"Es gibt nur einen Zeitpunkt,
an dem es wichtig ist
zu erwachen.
Dieser Zeitpunkt ist Jetzt."
My first camera was an old one from my grandpa, so I would have had an early chance to become a photographer, because I had to take pictures in M-mode. But as soon as possible I switched to a camera with automatic mode, and for the next years my camera did everything for me.
But as I started travelling I needed a better camera to catch subjects the way I wanted to, so I bought my first SLR and a telephoto lens.
The beginning of the digital photography made a big change for me, because from now on I could develope my photos on my own.
I'm self-taught and worked with different software, enjoying the art of photography more and more. Especially travelling and travel-photographie is my passion.
Currently I'm photographing with Canon mirrorless camera and mainly working with the Darktable software for image processing.
If you are interested in my current pictures have a look at my instagram-account.